Spatial Space Maps

A spacemap is an XML document that primarily maps each physical loudspeaker in a space to a Spatial Reality audio node and specifies the location of each loudspeaker in 3-dimensional space. This document describes the common tags and attributes used to construct a spacemap.


space is the top-level element in a spacemap.


speakermap is a child element of the space element. The speakermap element contains an optional origin element and one or more speaker elements.

The speakermap element allows the following optional attribute.

Attribute Description
crossover Crossover divides an audio signal into two components: one with frequencies above the threshold and the other with frequencies below the threshold. By default, Spatial uses the speaker types to compute the crossover for a space. To override this behavior, set the crossover explicitly.


origin is an optional child element of the speakermap element. The origin element defines the acoustic origin of your Space. Prior to Spatial Reality engine 8.20.0, explicitly specify the acoustic origin (<origin x="0" y="0" z="0"/>) in your Spacemap. Origin is generally in the center of a Space and all speaker locations are measured from the origin. With Spatial Reality engine 8.20.0+, Reality engine will compute the acoustic origin based on the speaker positions. If you need to override the acoustic origin, specify origin (<origin position="0 0 0"/>) in your Spacemap.

The origin element allows the following attribute:

Attribute Description
position The acoustic position of the origin in meters. In a rectangular space, the x-axis is the shorter side of the rectangle. The y-axis is the longer side of the rectangle. The z value is the distance of the origin from the floor. Typically, setting z to 0 puts the origin on the floor of a space.


speaker is a child element of the speakermap element. A spacemap contains one or more speaker elements. A speaker element maps a physical loudspeaker to a Spatial Reality audio node. It also specifies the location of the loudspeaker in 3-dimensional space relative to the origin.

A speaker element allows the following common attributes:

Attribute Description
id The unique id of the computer that contributes this speaker's output. On a Mac, the unique id of an audio node can be discovered via the Spatial Reality app's computer settings.
channel A logical 0-indexed value that corresponds to the hardware channel for a particular computer/audiointerface. Channel 0 is the same as physical channel 1.
name The human-readable name of the speaker. The name must be unique within a space.
position The space-delimited position of the speaker (e.g. "x y z") in meters relative to the measured origin. In a rectangular space, the x-axis is the shorter side of the rectangle, the y-axis is the longer side of the rectangle, and the z value is the height of the speaker.
type The type of speaker: 'small', 'medium', 'large', or 'subwoofer'.
volumedb volume adjustment in decibels for a given speaker channel. volumedb and volume are mutually exclusive.
volume the fractional volume adjustment between 0.0 (muted) and 1.0 (full volume) for a given speaker channel. volume and volumedb are mutually exclusive.
disabled When true the speaker is disabled within the space. A speaker is enabled by default.